Tiffany L. Johnson » Photography & Graphic Design based in Wilson, NC.

5 tips for taking AMAZING photos of your kids [and furry kids]

Hey friends!

These days, our phone has AMAZING camera capabilities! The convenience it provides helps parents take more photos and videos of their children (or furry children) than any generation has ever had.

The bad part is now the majority of our kids photos are taken by parents, rather than professionals. So we wanted to help our parent friends out with some camera phone tips to make your photos of your little ones EVEN BETTER!!!! 🙂

Here are our 5 BEST TIPS for taking your precious photos to the NEXT LEVEL!!!


1. The most IMPORTANT tip is getting your photos in FOCUS! When you’re taking a photo, tap your finger on your child’s EYES (a yellow square will show up on iPhones) to get them in focus, then take your photo.


2 . If you have the choice of using WINDOW light rather than lamps or overhead light, use the window!!! Turn off all artificial lights, because they cast ORANGE and YELLOW light on your child’s face.



3. Take your photos to the next level by placing your child in the left or right side of the photo, rather than right smack in the center. This is what artists call “The Rule of Thirds” (you can Google that if you want the scientific explanation and examples!) It helps draw more interest to the photo!!!


4. Remove distractions. If there’s a trashcan in the background, dirty socks laying around, or a million cords plugged into the outlet right behind your child (and you’re NOT wanting a lifestyle photo) take the time to remove the distractions, so the focus will be on your child!



5. Try using NEW ANGLES!!! This also helps bring visual interest to your photo! Get on a chair and shoot down towards your child, or lay on the ground and shooting a photo from their perspective. These help take your photos from “cute” to “WOW!”


We hope these tips help take your precious photos to a new level! Enjoy practicing and capturing more special moments! Tag us in some photos you’ve taken using our tips, we’d love to see your improvement!!! 🙂



Tiffany & Phillip 🙂